Friday, August 26, 2011

Inspired by a friend!

After my latest girls night p this past Monday, my friend inspired me to reorganize my boys clothing. Lets just say, after Jax was born it all got a little messy! :) So, last night I started at 9pm, stayed up til 4pm, and finished up this afternoon. Their room looks amazing! There are about 10 boxes and 4 large bags in the storage room of newborn to 6 months and 18 months. One box has bags and my breast friend pillow. In their room I have 1 box of 24 months/2T, 3 boxes of 12 months, and 2 boxes of 6-9 months. I also have 2 drawers of 3T. This obviously does not include their dresser full of summer clothes. It was so much fun going through the clothes and remembering Bradley in them and Jax in some of them. I also decided to make each of them quilts from som of their shirts and blankets. I am so thankful to have a friend with an almost 4 year old, who gave me a lot of little baby clothes. It helps so much. I am also thankful for the friend that inspired the organization. I love doing that kind of stuff, its just hard to get ,ofi aged to do it in my free time. She is an amazing woman!

So today, my man and I took our boys to a park that my besties and I grew up going to. It was so fun to remember all the fun we had as kids. I am so thankful that we were able to spend most of our summers with each other. Memories are so wonderful!
For the past few days my hubby has been working on our missions trip video from this past June. Its so fun to remember this 7 days in the Bahamas. It was so beautiful and so fun. It was great to see the teens out soul winning. Many were able to lead at least one Bahimian person to the Lord. We went door knocking in the ghetto everyday. We were able to spend at least an hour or two at the beach most afternoons. The water was very calm and so clear and so pretty. The kids at the VBS we did were so sweet and so appreciative of the smallest things. We were blessed in so many areas. We were able to go snorkling. I will admit that I was terrified but after delaying the process of jumping off and into the water, I did and it was one of the best experiences I have ever, well, experienced. The fish were so cool and so was the coral. My snorkeling buddy was my hubby which made the experience that much better. I did another thing that was totally out of my shell... I climbed to the roof of the boat and jumped in without my life jacket. It was so much fun the first time, I did it again. It was cool and it made me feel cool! Listening to all the teens talk on the video makes me miss seeing most of them on a daily basis. I am so thankful God called us to work with teenqers.

Well! I'm tired so I think I'm gonna call it a night! Love to my besties! Goodnight New York!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Long Day!

Today was a stupid long day! It felt so rushed and busy but looking back I didn't do a whole lot! Took the boys to Target this morning while I waited for my sister at her Doctor appointment. Bradley was excited to be up early enough to get a doughnut. He loved it! I also bought him some counting blocks...the package said 4 years and up, so we'll see how he does. Maybe he's advanced...probably not! Lol! I found a Babar notebook in the dollar section. I used to love that show. Disney Jr remade it. It's still really cute. Anywho, so I bought the notebook bc it reminded me of one of my friends. Another blast from my past, Bugles! Also in the Target dollar section. My hubs was JUST asking me if they still existed the other day and then I found some. So I got two bags of those. In love getting people random little "prizes," as my adorable mother would say. So I took my man his Bugles and he loved them. I took my friend her notebook and she also loved it! Both made me smile. :) My little B-Rad loved the Bugles. He called them chips. :) The absolute best part of my day came next! We went home and I wanted a short nap before I had to go to work so I turned on Disney Jr, put the Jax in his swing, and laid down on the couch. After about 45 minutes, Jax was crying, so I brought him to the couch. When B-Rad saw us cuddling, he wanted to come too. So all three of us were snuggled together. Jax keptmleaning down and giving me slobbery, mouth wide open, "kisses." After about 2 minutes of this, Bradley slides in front of him, kisses me, and says, "Get off my mommy Jackson." (S iling and laughing just writing this.) It was so sweet. We stayed all snuggled up for about 10 minutes. It was priceless. Then I went to work and it was fun. Then rushed to the store to get stuff for dinner, made dinner, and ran over to church. Missed the opening part bc I was training a new nursery worker (Praise the Lord). Pastor preached an awesome message about being an encouragement to others after going through a trial. I was slightly distracted by z girlnin front of me drawing the whole time and my two year old looking up at me with a smile, saying, "I just tooted!" And then he laughed. :) it was funny! After church, I was able to talk to a lot of ladies and was encouraaged by one in particular. It was awesome! Then I went home and was instantly overwhelmed by all in had to do before bedtime....two boys to bathe, kitchen and living room to clean, towels to fold, and much more. Luckily, my sis was here to help! Super Sis! We got it all done before 11, so I finally got to sit down and blog away! Well, overall, it was a good day. I needed it. Tomorrow morning is Jax's evaluation for physical and occupational therapy. Kinda scared but also excited to see him get the help he needs. Well, after all of that, I'm off to Facebook world and bed! Woo hoo! Love you all! Goodnight New York!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I'm a Mom!!!

So the whole point for even starting a blog is just to talk! I am forever with my little ones or teens and never have enough time with the hubs or my friends. A lot of the stuff I will blog about will have to do with what happens in my day to day life. Lately everything that I have wanted to share has been about my oldest son. He is really so cute. He's crazy and misbehaves more than I wish he would BUT I love being his momma. My favorite story of the day was just this evening. It's not much and there were a lot of other super cute things that he did and said but this is the mot recent and fresh on my mind. All 4 of us were sitting in the living room watching tv and out of nowhere, as he is playing with my hubs, he says "No Comprendo!" It was so random that we just started busting out laughing.

Well, I know this blog doesn't contain a whole lot but I'm ok with that. I'm doing this for me as an outlet to kinda talk to my friends. (Even if they don't read it, i'd be ok with it.) If you somehow find your way here... I don't have much to say to you, just don't critique me bc I really don't care! :) So any who, Goodnight New York.