Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I'm a Mom!!!

So the whole point for even starting a blog is just to talk! I am forever with my little ones or teens and never have enough time with the hubs or my friends. A lot of the stuff I will blog about will have to do with what happens in my day to day life. Lately everything that I have wanted to share has been about my oldest son. He is really so cute. He's crazy and misbehaves more than I wish he would BUT I love being his momma. My favorite story of the day was just this evening. It's not much and there were a lot of other super cute things that he did and said but this is the mot recent and fresh on my mind. All 4 of us were sitting in the living room watching tv and out of nowhere, as he is playing with my hubs, he says "No Comprendo!" It was so random that we just started busting out laughing.

Well, I know this blog doesn't contain a whole lot but I'm ok with that. I'm doing this for me as an outlet to kinda talk to my friends. (Even if they don't read it, i'd be ok with it.) If you somehow find your way here... I don't have much to say to you, just don't critique me bc I really don't care! :) So any who, Goodnight New York.

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